OTC Health Brand Grows Coupon
Redemption by over 100%

Trial Rates for Decongestant Improve 114%


A leading manufacturer of nasal decongestants was aggressively marketing a new, non-invasive approach to decongestants. They wished to identify consumers who had a high propensity to try the product but had never done so.


Twenty-Ten ran a short consumer survey to identify the profile of prospect consumers predisposed to the product and most likely to try and convert. Once the target profile was identified, Twenty-Ten hyper-targeted individual consumers who best fit the profile, and custom creative was developed with messaging designed to resonate with the target group and drive response. A direct mail package, including a free product offer and coupon, was then delivered to target consumers at-home.


Response rate was dramatically higher than historical mailings, more than doubling the historical coupon redemption rate.

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